Data & Analytics Bi-Monthly Round-Up from CMA’s Analytics Council #5

Dec 14, 2017
Insights Trends

CMA’s Insights Council has rounded up the best data and analytics reads today:

What’s Your Data Strategy?
This is a must-read for marketers at all levels to read, from the most junior to the most senior ranks, because everyone is a data steward today. The article discusses how an effective data management strategy is one that leads to the creation of a “single source of truth” (SSOT) that powers all organizational activities, including “offensive” (e.g. supporting business objectives) and “defensive” (e.g. downside risk mitigation) data-driven initiatives. – Shared by Evan Wood, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Environics Analytics

I See What You Did There: Integrating Machine Intelligence And Human Intuition
Reminder that the best uses of machine learning are integrated with human intuition. People can use predictive models better when they understand how they function. – Shared by Teilo Moore, Senior Manager, Strategy & Analytics, Canadian Red Cross

Put AI to Work for Your Brand Right Now
This is a simple approach outlining how companies or brands can get started with AI. The article breaks down the complexity of AI into concepts that any marketer, executive, or business owner can relate to, and how we can all change our thinking to better utilize the modern tools available to us. – Shared by Matt Anstett, Director, Data and Analytics, Inbox Marketer

On Data and Data Scientists in the Age of AI
A short podcast (10 mins) that highlights the role of data scientists in the role of an AI world. – Shared by Tony Singh, Team Lead, Google

Where stores can still compete—and win
While the physical retail sector is under pressure due in large part to the Amazon effect, this article highlights where they can still compete. Not surprisingly collecting, analyzing and applying data in areas that consumers care about is a key success factor. – Shared by Evan Wood, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Environics Analytics

Using people analytics to drive business performance: A case study
A quick-service restaurant chain with thousands of outlets around the world is using data to drive a successful turnaround, increase customer satisfaction, and grow revenues. – Shared by Ersegun Kocoglu, Founder & CMO, Market Me Consultancy

Past Editions

Data & Analytics Monthly Round-Up from CMA’s Analytics Council #3




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