Balancing act: Navigating the hybrid work model transformation

Sep 13, 2023
Talent Thought Leadership

The shift from office cubicles to kitchen counters was not just a reactionary measure to the global pandemic; it was the beginning of a paradigm shift in our understanding of work. Now that many organizations have established their hybrid-work policies, suddenly both the corner office executives and entry-level talent are navigating the same choppy waters of this model—a cocktail of in-office days intermingled with remote ones. But beneath the hybrid-work allure on the surface, conflicting emotions and perceptions have arisen not only about in-office work, but about our relationship to work itself.
According to a 2022 Pew Research Center study, 68% of millennials favoured the hybrid model, valuing flexibility and work-life balance. In contrast, only 50% of baby boomers shared that sentiment, often emphasizing in-office advantages. You’ll find this divide across many attributes including generational lines, racial identity, family structure, and seniority.

As organizations grapple with these differences and reinvest dollars into in-office incentives (or ultimatums), they must recognize that the hybrid model may cater differently to diverse groups within the workforce.
The real tension is a tug of war between ‘old’ traditional dynamics where employees were face-to-face with their managers for 40 hours a week, to ‘new’ paradigms where one’s work output can exist separate from one’s physical presence in-office.
Amid this struggle, workers experience the teetering of career flexibility versus career advancement, social isolation versus psychological safety, and the perception of work effectiveness versus time spent at your desk.

So, is the glass half full or half empty? Well, the desire for a hybrid approach is overwhelming but complicated. A Microsoft Work Trend Report from 2022 highlighted that 73% of workers wanted flexible remote work options to stay, but they also desired in-person collaboration.

Being physically present in an office is not just about work—it's about networking, mentorship, and impromptu connections with peers. A Harvard Business Review survey found that 75% of employees believed in-office interactions significantly enhanced collaborative efforts and innovative thinking.
There's also tangible energy in a bustling office—an environment where commitment is often visual and palpable. The adrenaline of on-site brainstorming, the collaboration on high-stakes projects, and the visual acknowledgment of hard work have long been a cornerstone of the traditional professional narrative.
While this may be true, today’s focus on inclusion and belonging has given us more tools to think critically about which demographics these long-standing traditions will benefit most, and which groups may experience more barriers to connecting and collaborating in-person.
The hybrid model theoretically democratizes opportunities. For individuals with disabilities, caregivers, or those who live in remote areas, this model is a game-changer, removing geographical and physical barriers. While for some, in-person time spent among work friends can curb isolation, for others, working from home can quite literally be protection from environments where microaggressions and inequities flourish, and reduce stress by having proximity to their family priorities. This is a part of the employee value proposition that has become essential to the under-represented talent that you’re likely to be seeking for your organization.
Despite the fact that flexibility is coveted, there's a lurking fear among many, especially women and underrepresented groups, that reduced office presence might translate to reduced growth opportunities or at the very least, create an unspoken, unequal playing field when it comes to evaluating individual performance.

For all employees to seize the hybrid-work opportunities fully, creating face-to-face, in-person and virtual spaces for belonging becomes essential. Organizations need to pause and carefully consider how to make their hybrid work policy a true part of their inclusion strategy. True inclusivity is more than just offering remote work. It's about ensuring that all employees, irrespective of the location they work from, have equal access to opportunities and resources.
Curing ‘productivity paranoia’ and shifting the focus from time clocked to results is central to the new work ethos. But old habits die hard, and perceptions of value still weigh heavily towards visible effort. Given the complexities and varied perceptions, leadership needs a nuanced, empathetic approach that focuses on:

  • Reimagining workspaces: Physical offices should foster collaboration, creativity, and training. Spaces should be designed for interaction rather than isolated work.
  • Redefining what connection looks like: If you can’t find them at the water cooler or see them at their desk, it doesn’t mean they aren’t worth connecting with. Use tech to stay up to date and build relationships.
  • Transparent metrics: Clearly defined performance metrics, emphasizing quality and results, can ensure that work is judged fairly, irrespective of location.
  • Active engagement: Regular feedback loops, surveys, and open forums can help understand employee preferences and challenges. Use the data to continually assess which in-person experiences are most important to your workforce.
  • Alignment on quality vs. quantity. There will never be agreement on what’s the right number of days in the office, but there should be alignment on what quality time spent looks like. Prioritize time together for cross-functional collaboration, lengthier working sessions, sprints on bigger projects, and experiences that build community.
  • Reward the behaviour that you want to reinforce. Create a culture that rewards impact not just activity, and ensure employees are clear about how their efforts connect to the company goals.

The march towards hybridity is neither a retreat to old norms nor a blind dash towards the new—it's an intricate dance between the two. While the hybrid model offers unprecedented flexibility, it also challenges our deep-seated beliefs about work. Leaders navigating this landscape must blend empathy with strategy, ensuring that as we move forward, no one is left behind.

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Chloe Mckenzie

Director, People and Culture Salt XC




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