Weekend Reading List: CMA Insights Council Content Round-Up

Feb 20, 2020
Insights Trends

Are you on the hunt for research, inspiration or news on data and analytics? The CMA Insights Council has compiled five of their favourite articles and blog posts on topics ranging from ROI to privacy to innovation. Check out the list:

A Call to CMOs to be Responsible
We are surrounded by data, technology and the juxtaposition of constrained marketing budgets and high performance expectations, all of which can contribute to losing the human perspective of marketing. This article highlights the implications of becoming too removed from the people side of marketing and the benefits of being more responsible.

Shared by Evan Wood, CM
Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Environics Analytics

A Refresher on Marketing ROI
Marketing ROI is exactly what it sounds like: a way of measuring the return on investment from the amount a company spends on marketing. This article shares insights on how marketing ROI can be used to assess the return of a specific marketing program or an organization’s overall marketing mix.

Shared by Anik Karimjee
Principal, Rank Research Group Inc.

Behind Google's Decision to Remove Third-Party Cookies from Chrome
Google is planning to phase out third-party cookies, a move that comes just as the way that digital ads are bought and sold is changing. This piece addresses Google’s reasoning behind the move and examines its plans to give users more privacy control without hindering publishers’ and brands’ efforts to effectively target consumers and generate revenue.

Shared by Peter Farfaras, CM
Senior Director, Enterprise Commercial Development, NLogic

The Next Decade in Data: How to Tackle the 2020s
The advertising industry has seen an explosion in the collection, usage and analysis of data over the past 10 years. This begs the question: What will the 2020s hold for data use? The industry is undoubtedly in a moment of transition, and marketers need a framework to help guide data decisions in the new decade. As this piece notes, the four Cs—collect, catalog, curate and cut—are a starting point for thinking about advertising data in the 2020s.

Shared by Gillian MacPherson
Vice President, Epsilon Data - Digital Strategy & Product, Epsilon

Innovation Survey 2019: Marketers Lead Innovation but Face Risks and Talent Challenges
A recent Gartner survey shows that innovation is maturing as a marketing discipline. CMOs are dedicating head count to innovation and leaning on an ecosystem of partners to help accelerate initiatives. However, despite the progress, obstacles remain, particularly with regard to overcoming resistance to risk and demonstrating the impact of innovation programs.  

Shared by Ersegun Kocoglu, CM
Founder and CMO, Market Me Consultancy




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