Eco-friendly packaging and claims

Apr 14, 2023
Environmental Standards

Consumers are environmentally conscious and want to understand the impact of the products they purchase, including packaging materials, on the environment.

It's good business to promote sustainability as it demonstrates environmental commitments. That said, enviro-friendly marketing can influence consumer purchasing decisions and the customer experience, so marketers must remember that any green and clean claims must be accurate and should not be made without proof. This includes any claims made about packaging.

To ensure you are following the rules to meet consumers’ expectations for more sustainable packaging, below are some things to keep in mind:

  • Transparent communications: The law requires that environmental claims be truthful, so do not make any unsubstantiated claim that could be misleading. This can include providing information about the make-up of the packaging materials, production process, partnerships and environmental benefits. Remember to be clear on the green aspects.
  • Certification: Get certified through third parties such as the Forest Stewardship Council  or work with a manufacturer that is certified and accredited and has a proven record of compliance with Canadian laws.
  • Sustainable design: Use materials that are easily recyclable. Consider the end user experience, avoid complicated instructions or the use of mixed materials, so the process is as easy as possible.
  • Packaging: Use fewer materials or consider developing multi-use packaging to help reduce waste and save on costs. For example, a reusable shipping bag that can be used as a tote.
  • Due diligence: Know your obligations. Always make sure you understand the law and keep records from ideation to execution that can be used to illustrate your process in case regulators reach out or launch an investigation.

To learn more, check out what marketers need to know about environmental claims Q&A.

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Florentina Stancu-Soare

Director, Public Affairs and Regulatory Standards Canadian Marketing Association




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